Every Little Makes a Miracle ‧ Life Transforming Fundraising Event 2018

Metta Sharing and Fundraising Event 2018 – Highlights

Rev. Lo Lung-kwong, the Board Chairman of Metta, shared the origin of Metta’s service for street children and the wish to transform the community.

Rev. Fu Wah-yiu prayed for the event.

Cambodian local co-worker, Rithy, shared how he walked with the street children.

Ms. Selina Ho Leung, the consultant of Metta, shared the vital elements for the healthy growth of street children, including food, relaxed play time, trust and self-identity recognition.

Ms Almond Leung, the Chief Executive Director of Metta, shared that patience is very important in serving the street children.

Mission trip members shared their reflection in serving.

The youths of E.F.C.C. Yan Fook Church actively volunteered for the event.

Participants paid attention to the sharing of guests.

The food made by Cambodian ingredients was well received and popular.
